Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Arghhhhh...Ink Cartridges

Why are ink cartridges so expensive and why don't they last very long when you are printing a bunch of patterns with color pictures?:)  I guess that's a good thing but seriously, I am not to the point where I can afford to stockpile a bunch of these things.  If it's not the black one, it's the color one (and vice versa) and always at a bad time - thanks to MFL's suggestion, I think I will investigate the cost of color copying!:)

Giving thanks...MFS asked for reasons she should be thankful for having to work on Thanksgiving - I thought of some more and I hope this is helpful...You have a great talent and you get to share it with others to help them (they will be thankful for you), you have a great job during this time when many do not, and you get Holiday pay (hopefully)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone - I hope you can find ways to be thankful for whatever is going on in your lives!  I, myself, am thankful for many things, not the least of which is running out of ink!


  1. One more aggravation! Check out Might be a solution.

  2. thanks susan i needed that.
