Sunday, December 6, 2009


Smoke Rise Craft Show!!!  Wow - was a blast being with MFZ and her daughters and getting to meet MFZ's SO - (yes Z I liked him :))  I made enough to cover my trip this week which is awesome and I learned a lot about craft shows in general.  There were a few true artisans at this one but if I could do it over, I would bring more small items.  Although I sold a couple of larger items (Funky Fringe also sold out :), it seemed as if the people shopping here liked inexpensive little items.  Also learned that I will come up with a few fun designs that I make on an ongoing basis so that I have an easily portableinventory that I don't drive myself crazy over (but I think I did learn that lesson before yesterday)!

On to the next focus - planning my trip in detail so I can actually tell MDSS when I will arrive.... (Of course a little break to go to Only Ewe this afternoon :)

MFZ, another pic of the table and the (now) famous Fabulous Funky Fringe!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats ladies! All your pictures look great.
    Polly Z.
