Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fascinated by Authors

This is an author, Terri Dulong, taking a picture of a few of her fans (mostly from The Noble Knitters group which meets on a regular basis at The Barnes and Noble at The Forum in Norcross, Ga) We really packed out the place!  Terri has just released her latest book, Spinning Forward, which is a fictional work about (you guessed it - Knitting and spinning!) I have not had the chance to read the book yet but from what I understand a key theme is about the regenerative healing power of these crafts!!! 

Terri is a transplanted (Boston area) Yankee who relocated to the south so I could truly relate :)  Her charming accent was a little tricky for some of my southern friends to understand but I felt right at home.

Terri - thanks so much for sharing your personal and book stories with us!  I greatly admire authors especially since starting this blog as I have personally experienced the dedication and self-discipline required. 

I seem to be able to manage little tidbits of writing but am sure that sitting down to write a full-fledged book with hundreds of pages would knock me off the chair.  I must need instant gratification or something:) 

I have a gazillion of ideas for new patterns in my head and even though I am a fairly quick knitter, my hands are having a bit of trouble keeping up.


What's this?  you ask...

An instant gratification design :)  This is the first of a pair of "Country Cuffs" which I am frantically preparing to make my Knitting Class participants at Only Ewe feel that they received a good value!!!  This design will be knit using one skein of Elsebeth Lavold "Silky Wool", has a twisted rib and a bit of simple lace.  I will be holding a drop-in class next Wednesday for anyone not travelling over the Thanksgiving holiday (free pattern included with the class).  Here's what the lace looks like up close:

Happy Knitting!!!

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