Monday, November 9, 2009

Yep - Two Cats!

Growing up I was severely allergic to cats... Several of my closest friends had cats and I would load up on sudafed before spending the night and still come back home with red, itchy eyes and stuffy head, nose, etc! Only because I love them so dearly (the friends, not the cats) did I keep going back for more torture!

After many years, I went to the home of a new friend, saw this beautiful, big fluffy mess of a cat (Putz :)) and braced myself for the worst...nothing happened!!! I come to find out that the Ragdoll breed is relatively hypoallergenic and after much looking, I found Magellan. He is a big (already, at only 7 months - I am guess-timating close to 10 pounds) blue mitted ragdoll. He is laid back but funny to watch and does get playful once or twice a day. Okay, so that's number 1. After a visit to BFFLL and her family, I discovered that only short-haired cats bothered, because Magellan (aka, Jelly, Gellan, Jelly Belly) needed a kitten friend, we (really I but thanks DHJ!) decided to rescue a sweet little (less than a pound when we got her) tortie mix. She is very affectionate, purr-filled (can purr and play at the same time - but I don't know, maybe that's not a big deal :)) but she does cause a little more trouble than Jelly around the yarn...the birth of stealth knitting!

My only issue is they don't like their baths very much....

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